4. General Questions about KIDLY

  • Are you a UK company?

    Find out where we are based Yes, we are a UK company. Our company number is 07672877. We are based in Watford in the United Kingdom. Our address is: KIDLY C/O ASOS, Hercules Way, Leavesden, WD25 7GS
  • Are you VAT registered?

    Is KIDLY VAT registered? Yes, we are :) Our VAT ID is GB 215716617
  • Can I change my email address

    It's easy to update your email address If you're able to log in and would just like to change your registered email address, you can do this yourself very easily here: https://www.kidly.co.uk/dashboard/account/changeemail If you think you may have entered your email address incorrectly when y...
  • Do you have a telephone number?

    Can I call you by phone? We don't have a phone number but we are available for a real-time chat via the purple button down below. We're online from 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday (closed Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays)
  • Is this website genuine?

    I've never heard of KIDLY. Are you a real business? We are registered in the UK & our company number is 07672877. We're also VAT registered & our VAT number is 215716617. Our team are also experienced online retailers, having worked at ASOS, M&S and Tesco, among others. You can rea...
  • What ages are your products for?

    Is it just baby stuff or do you sell things for older kids and teenagers too? Our products are for little ones aged 0-7. We tend to talk about them in three groups, Babies (0-18 months), Toddlers (18 months to 3 years) and Schoolers (3-7 years).
  • Why was my name rejected during signup?

    We block the use of certain names to prevent people from creating fake or malicious accounts. We're sorry if we blocked your name by mistake. Your name can't include: symbols or numbers with the exception of hyphen and apostrophe. characters outside of the Latin alphabet more than 40 characters...